When done right by someone who’s good at what they do, oral sex is a favorite with many escorts. Raise your hand who here among you loves cunnilingus and the tingles they get all over when it’s all said and done. Heaven on earth, right? We’re just melting at the thought of someone’s tongue moving up and down our clit!
For oral sex to feel like a solid ten instead of just “meh”, your vagina needs to bring it’s a-game to the show. By which we mean an amazing smell. You wouldn’t want your client to be repulsed by a weird flavor coming from your pussy, would you? Let’s see what you can do to impress your date and enjoy bed-shattering orgasms.
Indian gooseberry for the win
Vaginas need a detoxing now and then, too. Which is where the Indian gooseberry comes in. Be careful before using it, though. You need to pay your doc a visit to see whether you have an allergy to it. All clear? Go right ahead and find yourself some of this fruit. The best way to enjoy its many benefits is to consume it raw daily. In case that’s not your thing, you can also find it pickled, as a powder, or as juice.
Indian gooseberry not only takes care of unpleasant vaginal smells, it also acts as a blood purifier and protection from all sorts of infections.
More fish instead of red meat
Sure, red meat is yummy for those of you who love eating it. However, it does come with some annoying side effects, like bad smells down under. We suggest having white fish like cod and halibut for your next dinner out with a client or friends.
Try some fenugreek
This plant is another wonder of nature. But, just like with the Indian gooseberry above, do some allergic tests to see if you tolerate it or not. In case you do, we recommend drinking it as herbal tea or making an infusion.
To consume it as tea, do thus: boil 1 teaspoon of this plant in 1 cup of water and remember to drink it 2 times a day. For the infusion version: soak only 2 teaspoons of the fenugreek in 1 cup of water, leave it be, and go to sleep. The next day, make sure to remove the seeds of the plant, then drink the water.
If you’re having problems with hormones, fenugreek is said to take care of them. Same if your menstrual cycle is irregular.
Garlic is a no-no
Will you see one of your customers in a couple of hours? If the answer’s yes, steer clear of garlic or your vagina will smell really bad when he or she goes down on you during the rendezvous. Not to mention that before it starts to stink, your pussy will sweat like crazy and we don’t want that, do we?
Be careful with asparagus and curry, because they, too, will wreak havoc on your vagina’s smell. Best eat them when you have a couple of days off.
Know of other ways to make a vagina give off an amazing smell? Feel free to leave them in our comment section 😉
Agua vinagre sallavateleo lavatelo se te pone stretchy
Pineapple juice or fruits is also good for your vajayjay ..
This is the best thing for any escort to know are read for any client!
I know that taking too many vitamins, medicine or really any pills can make it smell and taste funny. Same with men.
Pineapples + apple cider vinegar!
Thank you so much for the helpful tips
Pineapple makes it taste sweet!
Very interesting article! We also have a nice blog! look at it if you want... https://www.apricots.es/blog/en/happy-wife-happy-life/ THX!
I always do a sea salt deuce before and sometimes after a date. It's very cleansing and good for the vagina. You can also do pink mineral salts if see salt is not available. Two teaspoons per 4 oz of distilled water...